I'm lucky enough to have a fall reading week this year, and I was able to spend it travelling to New Brunswick. I am also fortunate to be able to go to school across the country from my home, so I spend quite a bit of time in airports and on long car rides. Travelling can be scary for those struggling with their mental health, but it can also be amazing. I've gained a lot over the past couple of years (other than some frequent flyer miles). Here's what I've learned:

1) Bring snacks. This is hugely important. I think people tend to overlook how important eating well can be to maintaining a positive mental attitude, and overall mental well-being. Everyone makes jokes about being "hangry", but honestly, many studies have examined the effects of a person's diet on depression and anxiety, as well as other mental health disorders. You'll be able to focus better when you're well-fed, and your body will thank you for not skipping a meal during a long day of travel.
2) Travel with good people. If you are a student like me, you probably travel home more often than anything. Knowing that I have some of my favourite people on the planet waiting for me on the other side of the baggage claim is amazing, and makes the long and sometimes (always) stressful travel day 1000% worth it. If you do get the chance to take a weekend getaway with friends, make sure they're good for your mental health, and that you are comfortable expressing your needs to them. It's important.
3) Tackle unexpected circumstances as they come. I always experience delays, flight cancellations, or issues with baggage when I fly. That, or my seat gets overbooked. I am a person who loves to know what is going to happen and when. But I have realized that being super rigid in a travel routine will only serve to stress me out in the long run. So be prepared for a variety of different situations, but make sure you know that shit happens. You can handle it. If something happens to throw you off while travelling, take a breath. You've got this. Need to add oil to your car? Take a hard 5. Read wikihow (totally didn't do that this week.....). You can figure it out. Take a wrong turn down the highway (also didn't happen to me this week....)... that's okay! Maybe you'll find a really cool place you would love to see! Everything brings a new opportunity, and trying to let go of things you can't change can be scary, but so liberating.
4) Be honest with yourself. When I travel, I love to jam-pack my schedule. If I have 3 days in a place, I want to see as much of it as I can, and experience all the things this new area has to offer. That said, travelling can be exhausting. If you need a nap, take it. If you want to sit by a pool, or take a couple of hours to sip a latte in a coffee shop and people-watch... go for it. Your body and mind will thank you.
5) Have fun! Travel is such a great way to experience different cultures, and it really gives me perspective on my life. Getting some physical distance from some of your own stressors can also do wonders for you. Take some time to do something you normally wouldn't do... why not?! Talk to the local people, ask questions, throw away the map and just drive. Most importantly, have fun! A trip can be such great self-care.
Go out there and see the world, beauties! You've got this.
- AG