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All The Write Things
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I'm a writer. An advocate. A creator. An editor. I have so many "labels", but I try not to let any of them define me. I'm slowly learning to love myself one awkward giggle, trip, and matcha latte at a time.
I Quit. I Said No. And I'm Okay.
These past few days have been.... challenging, to say the least. I'm someone who is pretty much always overcommitted, and I guess all of...
Hey y'all, I want to talk to you about BFRBs. I've heard a lot of people open up about their challenges with BFRBs this week, and after a...
Educate Yo'selves
As a student, my job is to learn. But, lately, most of my learning has been outside of the classroom. Whether it's learning how to be a...
Other People's Happiness Isn't In the Absence of Your Own
I can't stop smiling. And I am going to celebrate this, and be grateful every day. Because I worked so hard to get to where I am. It took...
Why I Stayed Silent
Today, post- #BellLetsTalk day, I was sitting in my favourite coffee shop, doing some readings. I overheard someone talking about how...
Pre-#BellLetsTalk Thoughts
Tomorrow is #BellLetsTalk Day, and I have to say, I'm someone who has super mixed feelings about it. I, of course, love how it gives...
Why I'm Taking One Day Off Per Week
I'm a huge fan of #selfcaresunday. Self-care is something that I try to prioritize in my life, even though this can be hard when things...
Coping Strategies for When It All Just Seems Like "Too Much"
Hey loves! Recently, I've been happier than I can remember myself being for a really long time. Honestly, it feels so good because I...
When The Perpetually-Punctual Girl Never Feels Like She’s “On Time”
For a long time, I’ve been self-conscious about not doing things “on time”. Those who know me know that I am a very punctual person. Tell...
An Open Letter to My Mental Health Challenges: Thank You
The other day, my friend Mary and I were talking about an upcoming mental health panel that we are planning. While we were thinking of...
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